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Anti-Aging & Langlebigkeits-Behandlungsprogramm

Our antiaging & longevity program will help you rebalance the aging process of your body and mind on a cellular level. Your cells will live longer, thus aging will slow down, and your physical and mental energy and wellbeing will increase. Under our nutritional and medical supervision, you will make positive lifestyle changes and have increased vitality. A personal chef will make sure all meals are individually created based on your personal needs.

The way you experience food will improve, it is delicious and healthy at the same time, as well as a powerful source for your daily vitality. Complementary therapies such as personal training, yoga, massages, and more will help you along your journey. This program is for people who want to rejuvenate their body and mind from within and alter the aging process, and for those who want to increase their mental and physical energy levels.

At THE BALANCE Inpatient Anti Aging Longevity Clinic Center, we use a holistic and person-centered treatment method. Our program incorporates a combination of nutritional coaching, complementary therapies, and medical treatments. Together these treatments build a program to enable you to connect to yourself and address difficulties and teach you the necessary skills required to change the behavior to a healthy lifestyle. We call this method of treatment ‘a prescription for life’.


What is the Longevity Program?

At the BALANCE, we’ve developed a rejuvenation and anti-aging program that will help you rebalance the aging process on a cellular level. Longevity will no longer be a simple concept that’s hard to reach, but rather, a detailed program that can be implemented.

What can change with the Longevity Program?

We aim to make positive lifestyle changes and increase vitality. Your cells will live longer and aging will slow down. Through working on your physical and mental energy, your body will always feel young. The way you experience food will improve, it is delicious and healthy at the same time, as well as a powerful source for your daily vitality.

Are there any complementary therapies with the Longevity Program?

Yes. Complementary therapies such as personal training, yoga, massages and more will help you along your journey. This program is for people who want to rejuvenate their body and mind from within and alter the aging process.


The Balance RehabClinic ist ein führender Anbieter luxuriöser psychischer Gesundheitsbehandlungen für wohlhabende Menschen und ihre Familien und bietet eine Mischung aus innovativer Wissenschaft und ganzheitlichen Methoden mit beispielloser individueller Betreuung.


Ein erfolgreiches und bewährtes Konzept, das sich auf die zugrunde liegenden Ursachen konzentriert
Ein Kunde Konzept
Biochemische Restauration
Holistischer Ansatz
Neueste technologiebasierte Therapien


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Psychologische und ganzheitliche Therapie

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